Benefit of Being a Free Uber Driver

I became a free Uber Driver and this is a story of one of the benefits.

Several months ago a friend from The Block called and wanted me to come and pick him up and bring him to Terrell so he could hang out with some other friends.  Just so you should know: 1. He lives 32 miles away, 2. He wasn’t coming here to hang out with me, 3. He was bored and unemployed, 4. He was not going to reimburse me for my gas.

Counting the cost, I told him, “Sure, I’ll do it.”  I knew then that this was not going to be a one time thing and I was right.  It seems like every week I end up taking him to or from his house to here.  Some people let me know that he’s taking advantage of me like I don’t already know that.  I’ve known him for over two years and I really like the guy.  Even though he has no intention of hanging with me once I drop him off in town, I do get to visit with him for 30 minutes during the trip.  That becomes my opportunity to get to know him better.  He tells me about his family, his likes and dislikes.  I get to know what he likes to do.  I know a little about what his growing up was like. So in a sense I take advantage of him.

Most of our time is made up of small talk but this past Saturday was a little different.  He called and needed a ride home.  We set up a time and place to pick him up.  Once he was in the car he asked what I thought of the memorial services of Aretha Franklin and John McCain.  This was not going to be our regular type of conversation.  This was going to be a somber and serious talk.

We agreed that it was refreshing that two high profile individuals were remembered by so many diverse people as having lived respectable quality lives.  In a world where negative reputations surround so many, these two stand head and shoulders above most.  They each seemed to have navigated life so well that even those that disagreed with them or criticized them ended up sincerely speaking highly of them.  Everyone knew what it meant to respect them.

Our conversation neatly and comfortably turned to a discussion about the legacy we leave.  What is that will be said about each of us once we die? What will my family say?  Will it be unsupported flattering words because we shouldn’t speak ill of the dead or will it be a true positive picture of our lives and influence?

It became an opportunity for us both to face and reflect on what is it we want said at our funerals.  It became an opportunity to talk about the spiritual and Godly impact we want to leave.  I saw and heard that this caused my friend to consider choices he has made and is making.

He asked, “What do you want said about you?’

I told him my purpose in life is to reveal in action and words The Kingdom that in spite of what happens around me allows me to bring Heaven down to Earth.  I want people to say about me whenever my name comes up, “I believe that Don really believed what he said he believed because he lived what I believe he believed.”

I’ve know this friend for over two and a half years.  We have talked about God and His Son Jesus a number of times but I could tell this was a conversation that flipped a switch within him.  It was the kind of talk that seems to show up every now and then.  It’s neat, comfortable and yet just messy enough to change lives.  Both of us I think parted ways on Saturday a little bit changed by the Lord.  I left my friend in His Hands and trust our Father to continue His work in each of us.

I’ll continue to Uber drive for this kind of payment.

About Author:

Don is the pastor of Serenity Corner. He has been married for 38 years to Elaine Ledbetter, is the father of six children, grandfather to 17 grandchildren, close friend of a few, friendly to most, and tolerant toward a couple of old sore heads. Received an acceptable education from Carson Newman College and University of Tennessee Knoxville. The most memorable education has been from making mistakes.