We have often said, “Volunteers are a lot more important than funding.” To do all we do does take money but honestly the most important thing we do is establish and nurture relationships. Our prayers and desires are always that we can demonstrate and proclaim Christ and His Kingdom.
All other tasks and chores have a foundation in relationship building. We need volunteers who want to engage and invest their hearts, their ears, and their time in true friendships. This is the accurate gauge of commitment. For most volunteers it can be a situation of trepidation as they enter a community they have avoided for years. But a joy awaits those willing to cross the borders that no government can separate with a wall. It’s the opportunity to laugh with those they have never laughed with and cry with those they never cried with.
Hugh Halter said, “You know when someone considers you a true friend when they start introducing you to their friends.” It happens to all the time to those who take the time to spend the time with someone outside their normal culture.
Showing up for The Circle on Friday nights is volunteering. We gather at 7 PM for a prayer and a 10-15 minute talk and end in prayer. If you would like to join us for dinner that evening, we start serving somewhere around 5:30 PM.
The tasks right now include (but are not limited to) preparing meals, serving meals, praying, speaking, set up for meals and meetings, and clean up afterwards. We need people with administrative skills. We need volunteers to learn how to navigate through the SNAP (Food Stamp application), the Social Security process, and visitations to hospitals and jails. I am sure there will be other tasks in the future.
We also need people who can contribute monetarily. That plea is under a different heading so we will leave that for later.
Volunteer opportunities are always available. If you would like more information about how you can help us be the hands and feet of Jesus, fill out the form below or come and join us on a Friday night in The Circle.